Europe Forecast - May 16, 2023
Rain & showers east
Fair west

Issued: 0530hrs Tuesday 16th May 2023
Duty forecaster: Simon Keeling

Unsettled Italy and Turkey with rain and showers, fair in western Europe

Another breezy day across Spain and Portugal, windy in the north. Most staying dry though the odd shower cannot be completely ruled out. Largely dry with sunny spells through the Balearics. Wet and windy through Switzerland, Austria, much of Italy and the Balkans. Showers, some heavy, across Greece into Turkey.
A windy yet largely dry day across France, the Low Countries and much of Germnay, however south-eastern areas will see thicker cloud and outbreaks of rain. This is similar with southwest Poland, elsewhere here will be dry.
Wind strengthening across Denmark but it is mostly dry here. Very windy through Norway with outbreaks of rain centrally and further north here. Some showery rain across Sweden with rather cloudy skies. Breezy yet largely dry through Finland. Outbreaks of rain largely clearing the Baltics.

Fair but breezy in northern Spain today. Some cloud and outbreaks of rain affecting the far south. The Balearics should be dry and bright too with more sunshine. Low pressure brings heavy showers and rain to Italy. Heavy showers in western Greece but dry in the east. Rain and heavy showers in the west of Turkey, dry and sunny in the east.
Fair for France with god spells of sunshine although breezy in the south and east. A fair day too in the Low Countries and Germany with some good sunny spells. Cloud and some patchy rain in eastern parts of Germany, but dry in the north and west. Unsettled and wet for Hungary and Austria with some rain in eastern Switzerland.
Cool, breezy and cold in Denmark with sunny spells. Cloud and a few showers in the Baltic States. Windy and unsettled for Finland with some heavy sleet and rain in northern Sweden. Better in the far south of Sweden with some sunny spells here. Fair for southern Norway but windy in central and northern areas with showers and rain here.

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