Europe Forecast - June 07, 2017
Increasingly hot south-west
Unsettled southern Scandinavia

Issued: 0530hrs Wednesday 7th June 2017
Duty forecaster: Garry Nicholson

Hot toward Black Sea, thunderstorms developing

High pressure builds across south-western Europe, with fair weather extending from Spain and Portugal to France. Warmest toward the Algarve, topping 35C. A mistral wind for southern France. Dry for much of Italy, although a few thundery showers for the eastern Alps. Thunderstorms more widespread across the Balkan states and mainland Greece, although the Aegean Sea and Cyprus stay dry. A cold front passing slowly east into Romania and Ukraine is likely to trigger thunderstorms, although ahead of this the Black Sea stays hot and sunny. Dry for much of Poland and the Czech Republic. Windy for the Low Countries and northern Germany, with clusters of showers around North Sea coasts. Risk of gales for Denmark. Persistent rain for southern Norway, whilst a band of heavy rain also pushes north across Sweden and the Baltic. Meanwhile northern Scandinavia will be dry and warm, reaching 19 to 22C.

High pressure across central and southern Europe brings plenty of dry weather across the continent. Hot across Iberia, reaching 35 to 38C for southern Spain & Portugal, although cooler toward the north-west. Risk of local thunderstorms around Biscay. Lots of sunshine for Italy, the Alps, Germany and central-eastern Europe. Thunderstorms for mainland Greece , Romania and Bulgaria, plus eastern Ukraine.
Very warm for south-western France, topping 30C. Sunshine giving way to thickening cloud, and thunderstorms are likely to break out across central France into the evening. Fairly cloudy around the North Sea. Showery for Scandinavia, with some longer periods of rain for central & southern Norway and Sweden, whilst a weakening band of rain pushes north into Finland. Strong winds easing. The far north stays dry and warm.

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Topics  [June 07, 2017]