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Region: Bratoljubovka
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Nearby Weather Stations - Bratoljubovka Distance
Bratoljubovka 0.0 km
Zavitinsk 49.4 km
Kamenka 96.2 km
Pojarkovo 111.6 km
Arhara 128.1 km
Norsk 128.8 km
Svobodny 143.2 km
Sektagli 189.1 km
Blagoveshchensk 200.1 km
Shimanovsk 205.0 km
Heihe 212.9 km
Yichun 220.7 km
Oblutschje 233.2 km
Sunwu 239.6 km
Bomnak 279.9 km
Ekaterino-Nikol'skoe 284.5 km
Zeya 302.9 km
Huma 305.5 km
Sutur 316.0 km
Cekunda 324.7 km
Hailun 349.9 km
Fujin 391.5 km
Cernjaevo 395.2 km
Keshan 426.5 km
Birobidzhan 429.6 km
Magdagachi 431.7 km
Ekimchan 439.4 km
Urmi 445.9 km
Ust'-Umal'ta 447.8 km
Baoqing 453.8 km
Nenjiang 469.2 km
Smidovich 525.8 km
Sofijskij Priisk 529.1 km
Anda 536.5 km