
North America

Sartine Isl (112m)

day of arrival: Duration:

Time Period : 01.01 - 08.01
 Average Maximum Temperature (Day)   6 °C /  9 °C
 Average Minimum Temperature (Night)   3 °C /  6 °C
 Highest Temperature observed   10  °C
 Lowest Temperature observed   -1  °C
 Average Hours of Sunshine   **** hours
 Average Days with Precipitation   3 days
 Average Windforce  42 km/h
 Highest Peak Gust observed  39 km/h
 Available Data:  14 years

WeatherOnline's Travel Planner helps you calculating the average weather at a location of your choice, based on recent years data. However, please keep in mind that weather statistics can only provide you with some useful clues for your travel plans. They do not represent the actual weather or forecast.
Nearby Weather Stations - Sartine Isl Distance
Sartine Isl 0.9 km
Solander Island 117.4 km
Bella Bella 125.9 km
Herbert Isl. 141.2 km
Port Hardy Airport 170.9 km
Cathedral Point 185.0 km
Cape St James CS 248.8 km
Terrace Airport 256.7 km
Bonilla Island 271.5 km
Bella Coola Airport 279.1 km
Estevan Point lighthouse 279.2 km
Prince Rupert 300.5 km
Prince Rupert Airport 300.6 km
Lucy Islands 312.2 km
Fanny Island 325.6 km
Smithers 334.4 km
Grey Islet 334.5 km
Smithers Airport 334.8 km
Cumshewa 340.3 km
Tofino 367.9 km
Tofino 367.9 km
Sandspit 368.9 km
Sandspit Airport 369.0 km
Ootsa Lakeskins Lak 381.1 km
Burns Lake Campbell Scientific 407.4 km
Campbell River Airport 408.6 km
Masset Airport 427.5 km
Comox 451.3 km
Port Alberni 452.6 km
Powell River 496.0 km
Tatlayoko Lake RCS 504.1 km
Sisters Island 505.0 km
Qualicum AP 511.1 km
Quillayute Airport 520.4 km
Puntzi Mountain 537.5 km
Ballenas Island 537.6 km