

Măneciu UV index

Local Time Mo May 06 Tu May 07 We May 08 Th May 09
UV index 7 6 4 4

The strength of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation is expressed as a Solar UV Index or Sun Index.The UV Index does not exceed 8 in the UK (8 is rare; 7 may occur on exceptional days, mostly in the two weeks around the summer solstice). Indices of 9 and 10 are common in the Mediterranean area. The Sun Index forecast refers to the daily maximum.

Last updated: Mo, 06 May, 08:17 IST
Nearby Weather Stations - Măneciu Distance
Câmpina 31.2 km
Ploieşti 36.2 km
Întorsura Buzăului 36.6 km
Pătârlagele 44.8 km
Predeal 46.7 km
Sinaia (1500m) 50.5 km
Penteleu 57.0 km
Sfântu Gheorghe 58.5 km
Omu 59.0 km
Ghimbav 62.1 km
Lacaut Mountain 68.1 km
Târgu Secuiesc 69.6 km
Târgovişte 71.5 km
Otopeni 78.1 km
Fundata 78.2 km
Titu 79.3 km
Aurel Vlaicu Intl. Airport 81.6 km
Bisoca 86.0 km
Baraolt 87.0 km
Bucharest 91.6 km
Urziceni 97.1 km
Buzău 100.0 km
Câmpulung 103.6 km
Miercurea Ciuc 108.3 km
Videle 114.2 km
Valea Râmnicului 119.6 km
Târgu Ocna 121.4 km
Odorheiu Secuiesc 123.8 km
Făgăraş 126.1 km
Piteşti 131.2 km
Focşani 142.1 km
Giurgiu 144.3 km
Oltenița 144.7 km
Curtea de Argeş 145.0 km
Joseni 148.2 km
Alexandria 150.7 km
Stolnici 151.4 km
Luizi Calugara 153.1 km
Bâlea Lake 153.2 km
Adjud 155.3 km
Deduleşti 158.4 km
Grivita 158.6 km
Bacău 160.9 km
Roşiorii de Vede 164.1 km
Ceahlau Toaca 166.8 km
Piatra Neamț 168.2 km
Tecuci 168.8 km
Toplița 175.1 km
Slobozia 175.1 km
Dumbrăveni 178.4 km
Zimnicea 179.6 km
Râmnicu Vâlcea 180.0 km
Razgrad 184.6 km
Călăraşi 188.4 km
Boița 191.7 km
Târgu Neamț 194.9 km
Roman 195.5 km
Retitis-Calimani 196.0 km
Turnu Măgurele 198.4 km
Slatina 199.9 km
Drăgăşani 203.4 km
Târgu Mureş 208.2 km
Bârlad 208.3 km
Sibiu 214.1 km
Batoş 215.8 km
Caracal 217.1 km
Chiscani 217.7 km
Gorna Oryahovitsa Airport 218.8 km
Târnăveni 220.5 km
Poiana Stampei 221.9 km
Voineasa 222.8 km
Negreşti 223.3 km
Păltiniş 229.0 km
Cotnari 229.8 km
Feteşti 229.9 km
Galați 230.7 km
Hârşova 230.8 km
Vaslui 235.1 km
Suceava Airport 240.6 km
Polovragi 240.7 km
Blaj 242.3 km
Bistrița 245.4 km
Bârnova 246.5 km
Sărmaşu 247.5 km
Cernavodă 250.5 km
Rădăuți 252.5 km
Botoşani 252.9 km
Adamclisi 253.7 km
Craiova 254.6 km
Logreşti 255.2 km
Lovech 260.0 km
Obarsia Lotrului 260.3 km
Iaşi 261.2 km
Sliven 267.7 km
Casimcea 270.6 km
Ineu Mountain 272.8 km
Bechet 272.8 km
Turda 273.9 km
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Alba Iulia 278.0 km