

Arar Airport (549m)

Number of days available for climatic review

Duration of sunshine898391101123114

Duration of sunshine121121120110113113

Climate data is usually derived from meteorological data of a certain number of years. The actual number of recorded years may vary from only a couple to 50 years or more. The quality of climate data depends on the number of available recorded years. Fewer years means less reliable data. The standart-period for reliable climate data is 30 years. For example, the mean monthly temperature for, let's say January, would ideally calculated from a total number of 930 recorded January-days. However, the usual number of recorded days is much smaller. The table above shows the actual number of recorded days for every parameter measured.
Nearby Weather Stations - Arar Distance
Arar Airport 0.0 km
Sakakah Airport 148.8 km
Nukhayb 158.9 km
Ar-Rutbah 203.4 km
Turaif Airport 275.4 km
Rafha Domestic Airport 282.1 km
Ḥaʼil Airport 295.8 km
Haditha 300.8 km
Anah 302.8 km
Ramadi 321.3 km
Karbala 352.2 km
Najaf 364.6 km
Heet 367.7 km
Hillah 390.3 km
Baghdad 394.4 km
Ainaltamer 420.9 km
Baiji 423.9 km
Guriat AP 430.7 km
Al Diwaniyah 433.4 km
Al Khalis 447.8 km
Prince Hasan Airport 456.7 km
Samawah 461.1 km
Dawadmi Domestic Airport 461.6 km
Azizyah 467.5 km
Prince Naif bin Abdulaziz Intl. Airport 478.1 km
Alula 505.9 km
Tuz Khurmatu 508.6 km
Tuz Khurmatu 508.6 km
Al Kut Ubaydah Bin Al Jarrah AP 529.7 km
Khanaqin 549.5 km
Badra 564.8 km