

BulunKul (3744m)

day of arrival: Duration:

Time Period : 01.01 - 08.01

Statistical Weather Conditions

This analysis is based on data from the past 11 years.

WeatherOnline's Travel Planner helps you calculating the average weather at a location of your choice, based on recent years data. However, please keep in mind that weather statistics can only provide you with some useful clues for your travel plans. They do not represent the actual weather or forecast.
Nearby Weather Stations - BulunKul Distance
Irht 40.3 km
Karakul 79.0 km
Kara-Suu 98.2 km
Jalal-Abad 105.0 km
Murghob 114.1 km
Balakot 115.9 km
Kakol 118.6 km
Saidu Sharif 119.0 km
Murree 131.1 km
Lahsh 131.8 km
Islamabad Airport 133.7 km
Chitral 139.0 km
Drosh 148.4 km
Dir 148.6 km
Ishkashim 153.9 km
Rushon 156.1 km
Fergana 161.0 km
Khorog 161.6 km
Peshawar 167.2 km
Namangan 188.5 km
Peshawar Airport 196.8 km
Kalaj Humo Valley 236.8 km
Srinagar 237.5 km
Gharm 298.5 km
Dehavz 312.2 km
Pskem 322.9 km
Khovaling 331.1 km
Kashgar 341.7 km
Parachinar 346.4 km
Naryn 357.1 km
Guliston 360.4 km
Khujand 369.0 km
Madrushkat 370.7 km
Khujand Airport 373.2 km
Farkhor 397.1 km
Dangara 408.4 km
Sanglok 414.2 km
Tashkent Airport 429.5 km
Kabul Intl. Airport 430.7 km
Panj 430.8 km
North-Salang Tunnel 446.2 km
Ura-Tjube 448.7 km
Kunduz 451.2 km
Anzobskij Pereval 457.3 km
Bokhtar 463.9 km
Dushanbe Intl. Airport 464.9 km
Gandzhina 488.0 km
Sirdaryo 488.3 km
Shahristanskij Pereval 490.8 km
Isambaj 512.2 km
Iskanderkul 514.3 km
Cardara 567.4 km