
South America

Florânia (324m)

day of arrival: Duration:

Time Period : 01.01 - 08.01

Important notice about Travel Planner

Please be advised, that regional differences always will influence general weather patterns. This is especially true for precipitation. Rainfall patterns are often very local and may vary even at small distances. Statistical weather information should always be taken with care, as they represent statistically averaged weather, which may completely differ from actual conditions.

WeatherOnline's Travel Planner helps you calculating the average weather at a location of your choice, based on recent years data. However, please keep in mind that weather statistics can only provide you with some useful clues for your travel plans. They do not represent the actual weather or forecast.
Nearby Weather Stations - Florânia Distance
Santa Cruz 88.3 km
Patos 94.4 km
Patos 99.5 km
Mossoro/17 Rosado 101.9 km
Cabaceiras 135.7 km
Campina Grande 142.0 km
Campina Grande Airport 143.2 km
Jaguaruana 159.0 km
Monteiro 161.8 km
Natal/Augusto Sever AP 175.3 km
Natal 181.8 km
Morada Nova 192.0 km
Surubim 192.4 km
Camaratuba 192.4 km
Jaguaribe 202.5 km
Arcoverde 208.2 km
Caruaru 211.2 km
Presidente Castro Pinto Intl. Airport 227.6 km
Serra Talhada 231.0 km
Ibimirim 234.2 km
João Pessoa 237.6 km
Garanhuns 249.3 km
Garanhuns 251.7 km
Palmares 267.9 km
Recife 271.2 km
Iguatu 274.2 km
Fortaleza 279.6 km
Fortaleza Airport 280.7 km
Recife Airport 280.9 km
Guaramiranga 286.3 km
Quixeramobim 287.9 km
Barbalha 292.2 km
Palmeira Dos Indios 295.6 km
Barbalha 297.5 km
São Luís do Quitunde 317.1 km
Maceio/Campo Palmar AP 326.0 km
Paulo Afonso Airport 329.1 km
Arapiraca 329.8 km
Pão de Açúcar 331.4 km
Cabrobó 347.9 km
Coruripe 363.6 km
Ouricuri 378.6 km
Tauá 385.8 km
Brejo Grande 390.8 km
Carira 393.1 km
Taua 400.9 km
Campos Sales 403.5 km
Aracaju 427.9 km
Poço Verde 432.8 km
Aracaju Airport 433.9 km
Crateús 436.7 km
Uauá 441.3 km
Uauá 441.3 km
Sobral 443.6 km
Sobral 446.0 km
Acaraú 448.0 km
Euclides da Cunha 457.8 km
Petrolina 497.2 km
Petrolina 501.6 km
Petrolina 526.1 km
Queimadas 527.5 km
Senhor do Bonfim 528.7 km
Fernando de Noronha Airport 532.0 km