
South America

Itamarandiba (1097m)

Number of days available for climatic review

Duration of sunshine000000

Duration of sunshine000000

Climate data is usually derived from meteorological data of a certain number of years. The actual number of recorded years may vary from only a couple to 50 years or more. The quality of climate data depends on the number of available recorded years. Fewer years means less reliable data. The standart-period for reliable climate data is 30 years. For example, the mean monthly temperature for, let's say January, would ideally calculated from a total number of 930 recorded January-days. However, the usual number of recorded days is much smaller. The table above shows the actual number of recorded days for every parameter measured.
Nearby Weather Stations - Itamarandiba Distance
Capelinha 52.7 km
Guanhães 77.1 km
Diamantina 89.6 km
Diamantina 94.0 km
Araçuaí 118.9 km
Vale do Aço Regional Airport 138.7 km
Timóteo 143.7 km
Montes Claros Airport 145.7 km
Montes Claros 145.7 km
Salinas 151.0 km
Caratinga 173.9 km
Caratinga 178.0 km
Rio Pardo De Minas 180.2 km
Lagoa Santa Airport 187.2 km
Belo Horizonte (Confins) 189.4 km
Curvelo 192.6 km
Belo Horizonte Airport 203.0 km
Pampulha 206.3 km
Belo Horizonte Intl. Airport 207.2 km
Carlos Prates Airport 209.4 km
Manhuaçu 211.5 km
Ibirité 218.6 km
Mantena 221.3 km
Pirapora 226.1 km
Pedra Azul 231.9 km
Águas Vermelhas 232.2 km
Viçosa 238.0 km
Florestal 239.4 km
Espinosa 239.9 km
Ouro Branco 241.3 km
Januária 257.8 km
Mocambinho 258.4 km
Muriaé 271.8 km
Almenara 278.3 km
São Romão 279.7 km
Nova Venécia 282.6 km
Alegre 283.2 km
Serra dos Aimorés 289.5 km
Barbacena 291.2 km
Tres Marias 291.9 km
Barbacena 293.4 km
Itaperuna 295.8 km
Guanambi 297.7 km
São João del-Rei 305.5 km
Caetité 311.8 km
Cambuci 322.8 km
Juiz de Fora Airport 323.1 km
Vitoria da Conquist AP 325.1 km
Vitoria da Conquist AP 325.1 km
Montalvânia 326.8 km
Brumado 329.4 km
Alfredo Chaves 329.5 km
Dores do Indaiá 332.0 km
Presidente Kennedy 336.3 km
São Mateus 341.4 km
São Mateus 341.8 km
Vitória 348.7 km
Vitoria/Goiabeiras AP 349.5 km
Formiga 356.7 km
Campos dos Goytacazes 360.5 km
Lavras 361.7 km
Itapetinga 363.6 km
Campos dos Goytacazes 363.7 km
João Pinheiro 364.0 km
Chapada Gaúcha 369.1 km
Bom Jesus da Lapa Airport 377.6 km
Arinos 388.4 km
Caravelas 399.9 km
Piatã 404.5 km
Correntina 413.1 km
Porto Seguro 426.3 km
Belmonte 430.8 km
Porto Seguro 436.0 km
Buritis 439.5 km
Paracatu 449.9 km
Unaí 460.3 km
Abrolhos Archipelago 462.5 km
Ipiaú 467.1 km
Patrocínio 469.1 km
Una 470.9 km
Itiruçu 471.3 km
Araxá 474.3 km
Araxá 475.0 km
Passos 479.3 km
Ilhéus 490.2 km
Posse 491.4 km
Posse 491.9 km
Ilhéus Airport 495.5 km
Caldas 508.3 km
Poços de Caldas 520.5 km
Amargosa 541.8 km
Marau 544.2 km
Valença 561.2 km
Monte Alegre de Goiás 577.7 km
Salvador 633.1 km