Forecast: Mo, 13.05.2024, India

Cities: 1621 (1634) Temp. Weather
Udgir 37°C  showers and thunderstorms
Udgir 36°C  showers and thunderstorms
Udaipurwati 42°C  mostly sunny
Udaipura 42°C  mostly sunny
Udaipur 36°C  showers and thunderstorms
Tuticorin New Port 35°C  various clouds
Tura 34°C  mostly sunny
Tuni 37°C  various clouds
Tundla 42°C  mostly sunny
Tumsar 38°C  mostly sunny
Tumkur 36°C  various clouds
Tulsipur 39°C  mostly sunny
Tuljapur 38°C  showers and thunderstorms
Tonk 43°C  mostly sunny
Tondi 36°C  various clouds

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India - Tuljapur

  Tu May 14 We May 15 Th May 16 Fr May 17
Tmin 25°C 25°C 26°C 23°C
Tmax 38°C 36°C 37°C 32°C
a.m. mostly sunny  various clouds  various clouds  various clouds
p.m. various clouds , showers and thunderstorms various clouds , showers and thunderstorms various clouds  various clouds
evening various clouds , showers and thunderstorms various clouds , showers and thunderstorms various clouds , showers and thunderstorms various clouds
Last updated: Tu, 14 May, 02:56 IST